With this API you can get useful information about a domain: registrar (e.g NameCheap),
registrar url, registrar abuse email, owner organization, owner country, nameservers, IP address, ASN, and much more. We included also
registrar Twitter account, sometimes its easier to
report a phishing domain to the registrar via Twitter. This API
can come in handy if you need to report a malicious domain or to get domain Whois details.
Register and get 25 free API credits
This API is an extension of the Domain Age API, we wanted to include more domain
Whois data, such as registrar, registrar url and registrar abuse email. But also domain owner details:
owner organization, country, email (hash) and email domain. The focus of this API is to provide
domain registrar and owner details, among other data useful to report a malicious domain.
We also included domain creation date and domain age.
We support most popular top-level TLDs like .com, .org, .info, .biz, .net and country-level TLDs such as .cn, .pt, .com.br, .se, .cz, .co.uk, .it, .hu and many more. If a domain TLD is not supported by our service, the API returns a specific error and credits are not decreased.
Our system intelligently cache the domain information of most submitted domains, so that the API can return the domain data as fast as possible. We then apply specific measures to provide you up-to-date results when you submit a domain name.
In this API we provide you organized domain Whois information, which include: registrar, registrar url, registrar abuse email, owner organization, owner country, owner state/province, owner email (hashed), domain creation date, nameservers, and more.
We tried to include all information needed to identify domain registrar, domain owner (if possible) and abuse email, so you can more quickly and easily report a phishing domain to the domain registrar or IP AS Owner.
Other useful details found within the data provided by our API are the domain owner details, that can help to identify in which country a domain owner is located or what is the company/organization behind a domain.
To consume this API service you can use your global credits. So each time you make
one API query, our system will decrease N credits. With your credits you can use all our API services!
Purchased credits need to be consumed within 1 year. Below you can find how many
credits are decreased
for each API query with Domain Info API:
0.80 Credits /Query
Have questions? Don't hesitate to contact us directly via email.
If you don't receive a reply in one or two business days, please re-send the message.
Here is our email (it is an image to prevent spam):