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SSL Info API: Get SSL certificate details

A JSON API to get SSL certificate information (e.g owner, issuer, country, creation date, expiration date). Use this API to verify SSL certificate, check if it expired, get certificate type (DV, EV, OV), validate SSL certificate.

Consumes 1 credit per API call

# Example Curl request from the command line:
curl -X POST "https://api.apivoid.com/v2/ssl-info" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" \
     -d '{"host": "paypal.com"}'

# Example JSON output for a 200 HTTP status code:

    "host": "paypal.com",
    "certificate": {
        "found": true,
        "debug_message": "",
        "fingerprint_sha1": "6f55d7d0b407cb6bb13bd14a1cbb105c0ee5c3d5",
        "fingerprint_sha256": "faf941ad6b7339463bcea590e77e39f7930a168eb6d130d79c3be12c5de83894",
        "type": "Extended Validation",
        "deprecated_issuer": false,
        "name_match": true,
        "expired": false,
        "revoked": false,
        "valid": true,
        "details": {
            "subject": {
                "name": "SERIALNUMBER=3014267,CN=paypal.com,O=PayPal\\, Inc.,L=San Jose,ST=California,C=US,,,",
                "common_name": "paypal.com",
                "alternative_names": "paypal.com, paypal-workplace.com, xoom-experience.com, www.curv.cc, buyindiaonline.com, www.curv.co, curv.co, xoom.com, venmo-experience.com, sandbox.paypal.com, paypal.me, curv.cc, simility.com, paypal-experience.com, www.paypal.biz, www.simility.com, paypal.biz, cash2india.com, pypl.com, fastlane.paypal.com, paypal.co.uk, paypal.com.tr, paypal.ca, paypal-promo.es, paypal-marketing.co.uk, paypal-sverige.se, paypalgivingfund.org, paypal.com.hk, paypal.com.tw, paypalobjects.com, paypal-partners.com, paypal.se, PAYPAL.CO, paypal-nakit.com, paypal-mktg.com, paypal-marketing.ca, paypal-communications.com, paypal.fr, paypal.jp, paypal.no, paypal-donations.co.uk, paypal.be, paypal-passport.com, paypal.fi, paypal.nl, paypal-latam.com, paypal.vn, paypal-gifts.com, paypal.co.za, PAYPAL-MARKETING.PL, paypal.at, paypal-australia.com.au, paypal.co.in, paypal-danmark.dk, paypal-turkiye.com, paypal.co.il, paypal.com.cn, paypal-prepagata.com, paypal.es, paypal.eu, paypal.it, paypal.com.pe, paypal.in, paypal-business.com.au, paypal.co.id, paypal-globalshops.com, paypal-optimizer.com, paypal-mena.com, paypal-donations.com, paypal.ie, paypal.co.nz, paypal-media.com, paypal-information.com, paypal.com.sa, paypal-knowledge.com, paypal-businesscenter.com, paypal-community.com, PAYPAL-DEUTSCHLAND.DE, paypal.lu, PAYPAL.COM.MY, paypal.com.sg, paypal.dk, paypal.com.br, paypal.de, paypal-knowledge-test.com, paypal.pt, paypal.co.th, thepaypalblog.com, paypal-norge.no, paypal.pl, paypal.ph, paypal.com.ve, paypal.com.mx, paypal.cl, paypal-business.co.uk, paypal.com.au, paypalbenefits.com, paypal.ch, paypal.com.ar, paypal-support.com",
                "organization_unit": [],
                "organization": "PayPal, Inc.",
                "category": "Private Organization",
                "country": "US",
                "street": [],
                "postal_code": "",
                "state": "California",
                "location": "San Jose",
                "serial_number": "3014267",
                "inc_country": "US",
                "inc_state": "Delaware"
            "issuer": {
                "common_name": "DigiCert EV RSA CA G2",
                "organization": "DigiCert Inc",
                "country": "US",
                "state": "",
                "location": "",
                "organization_unit": []
            "public_key": {
                "algorithm": "RSA",
                "size": 2048
            "crl_endpoints": [
            "signature": {
                "serial": "b149eff02f1c650cf59029012764f8c",
                "serial_hex": "14728578715614846917259483520735530892",
                "type": "SHA256-RSA"
            "validity": {
                "days_left": 269,
                "valid_from": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 UTC",
                "valid_to": "Mon, 25 Aug 2025 23:59:59 UTC",
                "valid_from_timestamp": 1724630400,
                "valid_to_timestamp": 1756166399
            "certificate_authority": false,
            "authority_key_id": "301680146a4e50bf98689d5b7b2075d45901794866923206",
            "subject_key_id": "04148d939fbf9c7cf8ba64066baa73bb814351b7dc41",
            "key_usages": [
                "Digital Signature",
                "Key Encipherment"
            "extended_key_usages": [
                "Server Authentication",
                "Client Authentication"
            "authority_info": [
                    "location": "http://ocsp.digicert.com",
                    "method": "OCSP"
                    "location": "http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertEVRSACAG2.crt",
                    "method": "CA Issuers"
    "elapsed_ms": 289
Code analysis

Key Features

Get DNS records, specify multiple DNS records, fast response

Businesses and startups use this DNS Lookup API to check common DNS records (A, AAAA, TXT, NS, MX, CAA) of their own domain names or of third-party domains, verify if a DNS record is present.

Certificate Type

Identify certificate type: Domain Validation (DV), Extended Validation (EV) or Organization Validation (OV).

Complete Information

With this API you can obtain complete SSL certificate information which include everything you need to know.

Certificate Details

Get all certificate metadata: fingerprint, expiration, creation, owner, issuer, organization.

Fast Response

The submitted domain is analyzed in real-time and the response is returned in 1-5 seconds on average.

Common Use Cases

Take a look at some real-world use cases of this API service

Our API can be used in many ways, from cybersecurity tasks to marketing-specific tasks. Here we showcase the most popular use cases according to our customers usage:

Verify SSL Certificate

This API can be used to quickly verify if a domain has a valid SSL certificate and gain important insights.

Spot Bad Certificates

Identify if a SSL certificate is expired, invalid, revoked, host-mismatch, self-signed, untrusted-root.

Enrich SIEM Data

Using a SIEM platform? Add context to security incidents, populate domain SSL certificate data.

Check Your Customers

Use this API to monitor and verify that your customers or suppliers are using valid SSL certificates.

Use cases


Learn how seamless it is to add and use SSL Info API anywhere you want

All it takes is a HTTPS POST request with JSON payload to our endpoint, and you’ll receive the response within seconds, usually within 1-5 seconds. Here are a few code examples to use the API:

$domain = 'apivoid.com';

$apiUrl = 'https://api.apivoid.com/v2/ssl-info';
$apiKey = 'your_api_key_here';

$ch = curl_init($apiUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json', 'X-API-Key: ' . $apiKey]);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(['host' => $domain]));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ($httpCode === 200) {
    $responseData = json_decode($response, true);

    // Check if SSL certificate is found
    if (!($responseData['certificate']['found'] ?? false)) {
        echo "Certificate not found.";
    // Check if SSL certificate is valid
    if (!($responseData['certificate']['valid'] ?? false)) {
        echo "Certificate is found but is not valid.\n\n";
    // Show SSL certificate details
    echo "Name Match: " . ($responseData['certificate']['name_match'] ?? false ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
    echo "Deprecated Issuer: " . ($responseData['certificate']['deprecated_issuer'] ?? false ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
    echo "Expired: " . ($responseData['certificate']['expired'] ?? false ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
    echo "Revoked: " . ($responseData['certificate']['revoked'] ?? false ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
    echo "Valid: " . ($responseData['certificate']['valid'] ?? false ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
    echo "Expiration Date: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['validity']['valid_to'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Expiration Days Left: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['validity']['days_left'] ?? 0) . "\n";
    echo "Subject Organization: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['subject']['organization'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Subject Country: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['subject']['country'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Subject State: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['subject']['state'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Issuer Organization: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['issuer']['organization'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Issuer Country: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['details']['issuer']['country'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Fingerprint (SHA1): " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['fingerprint_sha1'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Fingerprint (SHA256): " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['fingerprint_sha256'] ?? '') . "\n";
    echo "Type: " . htmlspecialchars($responseData['certificate']['type'] ?? '') . "\n";

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